
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The Juggernaut plugin for Ruby on Rails aims to revolutionize your Rails app by letting the server initiate a connection and push data to the client. In other words your app can have a real time connection to the server with the advantage of instant updates. Although the obvious use of this is for chat, the most exciting prospect is collaborative cms and wikis.

  1. nstall the prerequisites
  2. execute the command in rails:
  3. ruby script/plugin install git://
  4. Add this to any pages you want Juggernaut 'enabled':
  5. <%= javascript_include_tag 'prototype', :juggernaut %>
  6. Also add this to the head of any views you want to use Juggernaut:
  7. <%= juggernaut %>
  8. Install the gem:
  9. sudo gem install juggernaut
  10. Configure the gem:
  11. juggernaut -g juggernaut.yml
  12. Start the push server:
  13. juggernaut -c juggernaut.yml
  14. Now, visit the view you made earlier, you should see a msg saying 'Juggernaut Connected on localhost:5001' (If you're using Firebug it'll appear in that, otherwise it'll be an alert)
  15. Then, to send data to juggernaut, execute this in the console:
  16. Juggernaut.send_to_all("alert('hi from juggernaut')"
    this is the link : 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to set up PuTTY and connect to victorio

Doubleclick on the PuTTY.exe icon, and get a small box in return. To the right, you are prompted for "Host Name". Ex.  (where user is your username). Give the connection a name, e.g. "victorio" (in the space one field down).

Then, click Terminal to the left, and choose UTF-8 (or, in recent versions: In the leftmost box (Category) of the Putty settings box, under Window choose Translation.

The default translation is ISO-8859-1, you should open the list and choose UTF-8. Font size 8 gives you a normal amount on text, and most monitors give you 50 lines of text.

After having made these choices, go back to the first (or rightmost) menu, and click on save in the menu to the rignt. Make sure SSH is chosen under "Protocol", and click on "Open" at the bottom of the window.

If everything is ok, you will find a new window in front of you, prompting for your user name. Write it, and then press the ENTER key, and write your password, followed by ENTER. Then you are logged in.
This presupposes that you have a Sámi keyboard on your PC.

From 2004 onwards all new Windows XP systems have Sámi keyboards installed, you may find it by right-clicking the keyboard symbol, or via the Control Panel.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


To create an account an heroku site
install heroku gem

$ sudo gem install heroku

to add a ssh keys and other details into heroku
$ heroku keys:add #it will automatically fetch our ssh keys at before u install the ssh in our system
$ heroku create #it create a link at random
or u want sepecfic name to type

$ heroku create sample

to upload our git code repositary to heroku account

$ git push heroku master
$ heroku rake db:migrate # this command to upload our database skeleton(schema)
$ heroku open # this command is open our page in browser


Install git-core package in your system

$sudo apt-get install git-core

go to ur project directory. At first to create a empty repository

$ git init

add our code into empty repostitary

$ git add .

after u make an any change to commit into ur git repo

$ git commit -m “Initial commit”   #ur comments in double quote

create an account in
install ssh in ur system

$ sudo apt-get install ssh

if already ssh installed means u generate a new key using following commands
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C  ”” # your mail id
to add ur ssh key to github site

$cd ~/.ssh

to copy the whole content

and open your account and go account settings=>ssh publc keys=>add another public key=> to paste your key in the key field
and create a repository in dashboard
configure  git with the ur system and git account at  first time only
$ cd project_dir # go to ur project directory

$ git config –global “ksrajkumar” #github user name
$ git config –global # your mail ID
above two steps are first time paring only
to open your project directory to upload your local git into github site
$ git remote add origin
$ git push origin master